Rabbit conquers all hearts with his Christmas joy!

Wigan - A rabbit from England is delighted when the Christmas decorations are brought out - and the net is completely enchanted.

In a video she shared on Instagram, the Brit tells us that Stormi gets really "obsessed" when the Christmas decorations are brought out.
In a video she shared on Instagram, the Brit tells us that Stormi gets really "obsessed" when the Christmas decorations are brought out.  © Bildmontage: Screenshot/Instagram/themarklandhome

Gemma Markland is the proud owner of Stormi, a fluffy gray bunny who especially loves Christmas.

In a video shared by her owner on Instagram, the influencer explains that her cute furry friend becomes 'obsessed' as soon as the festive season begins.

The little rodent then jumps around happily and has already been spotted lying in the ball box several times.

Christmas clip from Stormi brings the perfect dose of Christmas magic

The rabbit admired the twinkling lights of the Christmas tree by standing on its hind legs.
The rabbit admired the twinkling lights of the Christmas tree by standing on its hind legs.  © Screenshot/Instagram/themarklandhome

In the 45-second clip, the curious bunny can be seen sniffing the decorations with his cute nose.

When the Christmas tree is finally set up and decorated, the long-eared rabbit admires the twinkling lights by standing up on its hind legs.

With one million followers on Instagram, the influencer regularly provides insights into her life and that of her pets.