Shocking act: 27-year-old eats cat - now she has to go behind bars!

USA - A 27-year-old woman from the US state of Ohio killed a cat and then ate it. She has now been convicted.

The officers found the 27-year-old American woman crouching on all fours and eating a cat. (symbolic images)
The officers found the 27-year-old American woman crouching on all fours and eating a cat. (symbolic images)  © Bildmontage: 123RF/z1b, 123RF/lihana

As reported by the New York Post, concerned neighbors alerted police when they witnessed a shocking incident.

Officers arrived on the scene to find 27-year-old Allexis Telia Ferrell crouching on all fours and eating a cat. The officers' body cameras recorded the disturbing scenes.

The officers immediately arrested the woman and Ferrell was later taken to court.

The incident caused sheer horror not only among the witnesses involved, but also among the investigators.

Judge described the act as "repulsive"

In the verdict, which the judge announced with visible indignation, he described the act as particularly repulsive. He emphasized that he could not understand how a human being could inflict such unspeakable suffering on an animal. An animal was like a child to him. The atrocity was seen not only as disgusting, but also as an alarming signal of the dangerousness of the accused.

Allexi's Telia Ferrell was eventually sentenced to one year in prison.

Ferrell had already committed several offences, mainly due to her drug and alcohol problem. After her release, she is to receive inpatient treatment.