Square shape discovered on Mars: Elon Musk wants to investigate!

Arizona (USA) - A mysterious image from Mars is currently causing a stir.

This photo of Mars is the subject of heated debate online.
This photo of Mars is the subject of heated debate online.  © NASA

The mission of NASA's Mars Global Surveyor space probe has been over for some time now. Between 1996 and 2006, the probe sent around 240,000 images back to Earth. One image is now the subject of heated debate on social media.

The photo, dated November 4, 2001, shows a vertical image section from a crater on the Red Planet in which a square-like formation can be seen. The image can be viewed on an Arizona State University website.

In view of the unnaturally right-angled arrangement, some alien theorists already suspect the walls of an ancient structure or a relic of extraterrestrial origin buried under desert sand.

SpaceX founder Elon Musk (53) also joined the discussion and declared in a post on X on Saturday: "We should send astronauts to Mars to investigate this!"

However, it will probably be some time before humans set foot on Mars for the first time. The discovery at latitude and longitude 28.088766°N/27.74899°E therefore continues to offer room for speculation.