Strict father demands: Anyone who wants to date his 28-year-old daughter must answer these questions
New York - The successful New York artist Uzo Njoku (28) is proud of her Nigerian roots. But when it comes to dating, she is sometimes at odds with her dad. No wonder, because he has pretty high expectations of a potential son-in-law.

"My father sent me a pdf file with 20 questions about my boyfriend that I have to answer before I can bring him along," Uzo tells X.
Among other things, the father wants to know in advance what her new boyfriend does for a living, how many women he has dated and where he went to school. Half of the questions concern medical details, the perplexed 28-year-old explains.
The young woman shared the document, titled "Questions that require honest and verifiable answers", with her followers.
However, Uzo only published 11 of the 20 questions, the others were simply "too personal", explains the young artist.
What the father wants to know about his potential son-in-law

Among other things, the father wants to know what personal experiences have made his friend what he is now. The father is also interested in the young man's medical history - in particular possible hereditary diseases and past surgical procedures.
On top of that, the strict father wants to know everything about his son-in-law's dating past - number of partners and why he broke up with his last girlfriend.
Of course, Uzo's father also wants to know whether the potential son-in-law smokes, drinks or even takes drugs.
Last but not least, he wants to know from his daughter whether she feels loved and supported by her boyfriend.
2.4 million users have already seen Uzo's X-Post. It has been commented on countless times.
Users also want to know everything

While some users consider the father's questionnaire idea to be "justified" and a "good thing", other users are sure that "your dad loves you so much".
According to a report in the Daily Mail newspaper, Uzo has already worked for Rolling Stone Magazine, Apple and Yves Saint Laurent, but she left it open as to whether she was able to answer the questions in her father's spirit.
It would be the first time she has introduced a boyfriend to her parents.