"Suddenly and unexpectedly": Head of the Strabag construction group dies!

By Marc Kalpidis

Vienna - Klemens Haselsteiner , CEO of the Austrian construction group Strabag, has died unexpectedly.

Klemens Haselsteiner passed away at the age of 44.
Klemens Haselsteiner passed away at the age of 44.  © Bernd Weißbrod/dpa

The company, one of the largest in the country, announced the "sudden and unexpected" death of the 44-year-old "with great dismay" late yesterday evening.

Austrian media quoted a company spokeswoman as saying that Haselsteiner died of natural causes.

His previous duties will now be temporarily taken over by the other members of the Executive Board, as the Group announced. Strabag is one of the largest construction groups in Europe.

Strabag - one of the largest construction groups in Europe.
Strabag - one of the largest construction groups in Europe.  © David Young/David Young/dpa

According to its own figures, the company recently achieved annual sales of over 19 billion euros and employs around 86,000 people worldwide. Haselsteiner has been a member of the Executive Board since 2020 and its Chairman since January 2023.