Teacher rescues bat - a few weeks later it dies!
California (USA) - A 60-year-old art teacher tried to save a bat. The well-intentioned act later turned out to be a fatal mistake.

In October, teacher Leah Seneng discovered a bat lying motionless on the floor in her classroom, the New York Post reported.
She tried to help the small animal and take it outside.
But when she approached the creature, the bat suddenly woke up, flew around wildly and bit at the 60-year-old.
At first, Leah did not take the incident seriously and thought nothing of it. But a month later, she became seriously ill.
Her daughter took her to hospital, but the doctors were unable to help her. Leah Seneng fell into a coma and died as a result of a rabies infection.
Leah Seneng's death could have been avoided

Rabies is a deadly but preventable disease caused by viruses.
In the US, it results in fewer than ten deaths each year, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
About 60,000 people in the USA receive special treatment each year to prevent rabies if they have come into contact with the infected animal.
Since rabies is most common in wild animals such as bats and raccoons, health authorities have taken strict precautionary measures to contain the disease.