The woman is totally irritated: What is that?

Net - It looked like a large, gray stone. But somehow it also had something fluffy about it. Abby was totally confused when she saw this "thing" in her room for the first time. She could actually have understood it more quickly.

What's lying on the floor?
What's lying on the floor?  © Reddit/Screenshot/u/Slurpyburpy_12

In an interview with"The Dodo" this week, the woman reported what exactly had happened after she had posted the corresponding video on Reddit a few days earlier.

However, the curious story goes back several years. Abby had already acquired two rabbits named Stormy and Sandy at the beginning of 2020.

The stone she discovered in her room some time later was Stormy. Until that moment, Abby had never imagined that a rabbit could take on such a compact shape.

The fact that Stormy's ears were perfectly pinned made him look so strange. "They're my first rabbits, so I was a bit surprised that they were so rectangular," Abby said in the interview.

The first surprise was soon followed by the next.

Stormy is not alone

As soon as the ears are up, everything is clear. Stormy is a completely normal rabbit.
As soon as the ears are up, everything is clear. Stormy is a completely normal rabbit.  © Reddit/Screenshot/u/Slurpyburpy_12

It turned out that Sandy was in no way inferior to his conspecific. After a while, Abby also found him in the visually irritating pose.

However, this is normal for rabbits and indicates that they are relaxing. Despite their similarities, the two rabbits are otherwise very different.

"We call Stormy 'spicy' because he has a big mouth. Stormy isn't afraid to bite if he doesn't like something, but he also loves being stroked more than anything, so he's not always grumpy," says Abby.

Sandy, on the other hand, is timid and a little more skittish than his brother, she said. "Sandy is a very sweet boy who gives out lots of kisses," the owner gushed to the pet magazine.

To this day, she regularly sees her rabbits in the once unusual pose. So the animals feel right at home with Abby.