Trembling paws: These Christmas decorations make Golden Retrievers freeze with fear!

USA - When the owner of a Golden Retriever recently decorated her home for the holidays, she never expected her dog to react like this!

The otherwise cheerful dog seemed to be frozen with fear.
The otherwise cheerful dog seemed to be frozen with fear.  © Bildmontage: Screenshot/TikTok/homeboundadventures

Amber Berger was extremely worried when she suddenly saw her golden retriever, Archie, trembling in the hallway.

The usually cheerful dog seemed frozen with fear.

Confused, Amber tried to find out as quickly as possible what had caused this inexplicable reaction.

To her great surprise, it soon turned out that the trigger was a paper cut-out hanging on the wall - a picture of the train from the movie "The Polar Express".

Amber could hardly believe it - a simple picture had frightened her dog so much!

She reached for her cell phone to capture the moment

Amber could hardly believe it - a simple picture had scared Archie so much!
Amber could hardly believe it - a simple picture had scared Archie so much!  © Bildmontage: Screenshot/TikTok/homeboundadventures

She promptly shared the video on TikTok.

The reactions from users were not long in coming: many found Archie's exaggerated fear funny, but also touching.

Within a very short time, the video captured the hearts of viewers and became a viral hit.

It reached 1.2 million views, and in the comments users teased the trembling four-legged friend affectionately or defended him sympathetically.