Widow with baby and son reveals herself to husband: with just two words he changes her life!
Doylestown (Pennsylvania) - Sometimes two words are enough to change everything. Whitney Lyn Allen Gadecki (38) from Pennsylvania experienced exactly this moment at the lowest point of her life.

When she had just become a mother for the second time, her husband Ryan died. Suddenly, the American woman found herself alone, worried about how her children would grow up without a father.
But it wasn't long before she met Anthony. Expecting that she would never have a future with him, she spoke things out pretty quickly: "But I'm a widow and I have a baby and a toddler." To which he replied the crucial two words, "I know."
The widow realized at that moment that she had met the right man. She wrote this in an Instagram post last month, which has since gone viral with more than five million clicks.
Speaking to Newsweek this week, Gadecki said that her late husband, Ryan, had been a great father. She spoke very highly of him. The hole her family fell into after his death must have been correspondingly big.
Miraculously, Anthony turned up a short time later. "From the day Anthony met my two boys, he really felt responsible for them and took great care of them," the mother of two told US magazine.
But doesn't she feel bad about leaving her old love behind so quickly?
Insta and Facebook post show touching love story

"I feel like this experience has taught me that our capacity as humans to love and be loved is infinite," she told News magazine.
"I have room for the love I have for my husband Ryan in heaven. I'm so grateful for the life we've shared together, and I also have so much love for my new husband Anthony and the love and life we're currently building together," Gadecki added.
She and Anthony even got married at the end of January, as one of her Facebook posts also shows.
"Our wedding was truly a symbol of what we have felt for so long, that we are a family," Gadecki is certain today.