With superglue: Influencer glues her lips shut and regrets it immediately

Philippines - What was he thinking? On the hunt for likes, an influencer glued his lips shut - with superglue!

Was it really worth it?
Was it really worth it?  © Montage: TikTok/fbpage_badistv

Attention, do not imitate!

Jirec Gubot describes himself as a comedian on TikTok and the like. But his 50,000 followers are clearly not enough for him. The influencer from the Philippines has now made a name for himself with an extremely painful stunt.

In a TikTok uploaded by the young man on Thursday, we see him gluing his lips shut with superglue. The wannabe influencer cheerfully holds the tube up to the camera before the substance begins to take effect.

He tries in vain to open his mouth. Then Jirec Gubot apparently realizes the implications of his stunt: He panics, his face spasms in pain, apparently on the verge of tears. Meanwhile, laughter can be heard in the background.

Was it worth it?

TikTok: Influencer tapes his lips shut

Jirec Gubot can open his mouth again

However, Jirec Gubot did not reveal how he removed the glue. Just a few hours later, the idiot influencer - with visibly roughened lips - shared his next video: a product test for pillows. He seems to have survived the strange sticking stunt without any lasting damage.

Although the clip has already been viewed 113,000 times on TikTok, users have a very clear opinion. "I'm speechless", "Why are you doing this?" and "Congratulations, you're in the news now" were just some of the comments.

"That's dangerous for children to see. I wonder if anyone would try this," warns user Cillipadi. User Bonda yum, on the other hand, recommends: "Apply vinegar to the skin to melt the glue".

You can find outwhat really helps to remove superglue from skin, clothing etc. in our guide.