Woman "breaks up" after second date: The message she receives leaves her stunned

Scotland - If dating doesn't work out at some point, it's fair to end the liaison instead of fooling the other person. A woman from Scotland has now found out that this honesty doesn't go down well with everyone.

After breaking up with a man, the Scottish woman received an incredibly long text message.
After breaking up with a man, the Scottish woman received an incredibly long text message.  © Bildmontage/Screenshot/TikTok/kiwidakeke

The Scottish woman had only been on two dates with the man in question. After the meeting, she finally realized that it just wasn't right. She broke it off.

She certainly didn't expect what happened next!

Her friend, who is active on TikTok under the name "kiwidakeke", shared a video of the moment in which the blonde told her friends about the message she received from her former dating partner.

Although the content of the message is not discussed further in the clip, you can see from afar the extent to which the man reacted to the young woman breaking up with him. His message could really be described as long as an ell. The blonde needs to scroll several times to get to the end of the text. In the background, a person can be heard indignantly saying "That's not possible!"

The woman herself explains at the end of the video: "You'd think I'd done something really bad."

Video of funny message is viewed 6 million times

When she showed the message to her friends, she had to scroll several times to present the full length of the text.
When she showed the message to her friends, she had to scroll several times to present the full length of the text.  © Bildmontage/Screenshot/TikTok/kiwidakeke

"Imagine this: You break up with a guy after two dates and get this message," writes user "kiwidakeke" amused by the short video. She also warns other women: "Take care out there, girls" and adds the hashtags "psychopath" and "danger" to the post.

Of course, we don't know how the blonde ended the relationship, but the man's lengthy reaction still seems a little excessive.

The video quickly went viral on TikTok and has now been viewed six million times. Viewers are on fire about the content of the message.

One user advises the blonde: "I would just leave it on 'Seen'", referring to the function where the other person can see that you have received their message.