Woman drives home with Golden Retrievers: Then she gets hit!

Washington (USA) - At first she thought it was an absurd joke. But then Mary Trimble from Washington could really laugh - but only after she had been struck.

The golden retrievers Aayla and Arlo belong to Mary Trimble's family.
The golden retrievers Aayla and Arlo belong to Mary Trimble's family.  © Bildmontage: TikTok/Screenshots/mtzimny

The mistress was driving home with her husband, daughter and two golden retrievers after spending the Christmas holidays with her parents-in-law. During the journey, however, she received a text message from her mother-in-law.

She wanted to know whether her Labrador Finn was also in the car with the golden retrievers. Trimble thought the question was far-fetched, but checked anyway. Shortly afterwards, she was stunned.

"It was pitch black outside. Since Finn is also quite dark, no one noticed him jump into the car with our two golden retrievers Aayla and Arlo and then hide in the shadows," Trimble explained in an interview with Newsweek this week.

But the US American wasn't the only one laughing so hard that she even started crying after realizing the faux pas.

Viral video makes lots of tears of laughter flow on TikTok

Mary Trimble was surprised to discover that Labrador Finn had snuck into the car with her. He was allowed to stay with her until New Year.
Mary Trimble was surprised to discover that Labrador Finn had snuck into the car with her. He was allowed to stay with her until New Year.  © TikTok/Screenshot/mtzimny

The laughter is also huge on TikTok. She has landed a viral hit there with this curious story. Since the clip went online at the end of 2024, it has received a good 10 million clicks and more than 1.5 million likes.

Before that, however, her parents-in-law had been really upset: "They had searched the whole neighborhood for him when they finally sent us a text message - and they were very relieved when they heard we had him."

Meanwhile, Finn can actually be happy about his brazen escape from home. Because he was almost rewarded for it.

"Finn will go home on Wednesday, but until then he can play with the golden retrievers," says Trimble.

So the cheeky furry friend has "bagged" himself the perfect New Year's Eve celebration and a lovely first January among his fellow dogs.