Woman is horrified when she realizes that everyone hears what she hears in the car
Alabama (USA) - While she was caught really cold, others can now laugh about it. But Alyssa Mckee (25) was not at all unprepared. A while ago, the young woman from Alabama had already tested from the outside whether the loud music in her car could be heard - but it remained silent. Unfortunately, she had missed something else.

After a TikTok user pointed out that you can understand audio games much better outside the car, Mckee dared to put it to the test - and recorded it directly on video.
In the clip, the 25-year-old's jaw literally drops as she realizes that her radio play can be heard just as well outside the car as it can inside.
Horrified, the driver gets back into her car and puts her hand over her mouth.
Of course, the all-important prize question remains: what exactly is Mckee listening to?
Viral TikTok video shows moment of realization

As a Harry Styles fan, the US-American is enthusiastic about "spicy" fanfiction radio plays. At times, it gets pretty spicy - "Fifty Shades of Grey" sends its regards.
"I travel a lot for work, so I'm always listening to my books," Mckee said in an interview with Newsweek this week. She added that she "literally had no idea they could be heard from outside the car."
While Mckee was mortified, the TikTok audience got a good laugh out of her faux pas. Since she shared the curious video last month, it has reached almost a million clicks.
"I didn't expect the video to get so much attention," the frequent driver told the US magazine. The comments were amusing, however.
Apart from that, Mckee just wants to adapt her listening habits to the new circumstances: "I'll probably turn it down at red lights now. But on the highway, I'll turn it all the way up!"