Woman reports threat - A few hours later she is found decapitated!

Yankton (USA) - She let her friends know, but any help came too late: A man made good on his threats - and beheaded his girlfriend!

Heather Ann Bodden (†41) was killed and decapitated by her partner.
Heather Ann Bodden (†41) was killed and decapitated by her partner.  © Screenshot/GoFundMe/Assist Heather's Family in Their Time of Need

Heather Ann Bodden (†41) from Yankton, South Dakota, had sent a message to friends on New Year's Day saying that her partner was threatening her with a gun.

As People reported, her friends became very worried when they did not hear from her for a long time. They quickly made their way to her apartment, but found Heather dead and brutally decapitated.

Without hesitation, they called the local police. Surveillance footage from the house showed her boyfriend Craig Allen Nichols Jr. (32) entering the apartment with two other men at around 10pm.

They left the building around an hour later. But Nichols was seen alone several more times that night, going in and out of the apartment with various garbage bags.

Shortly afterwards, all three suspects were arrested. During searches of the 32-year-old's and the victim's home, investigators found a garbage bag containing the victim's head, a bag of bloody clothing that could be attributed to Nichols, and three weapons wrapped in a doormat.

Craig Allen Nichols Jr. charged with murder

The American authorities were able to arrest the three suspects. (symbolic image)
The American authorities were able to arrest the three suspects. (symbolic image)  © 123rf/vankok

Nichols is now charged with second-degree murder, first-degree manslaughter and contempt of court on two other counts.

The trial is scheduled for next Wednesday.

A GoFundMe page has been set up for Heather Ann Bodden's survivors to help cover the costs of her funeral and her daughter's care.

"Heather Bodden was tragically and brutally taken from us by someone who pretended to care for her. (...) Heather was a bright spark in this world. Her friends and family appreciated her quick wit because she always had a joke or a snappy retort ready," her sister-in-law said on the donation page.

She is survived by her parents, daughter, seven siblings, aunts, uncles, cousins and "many other family members and friends who loved her dearly".