Woman watches cat on the edge of a railing: Then it happens!

Missouri (USA) - By the time she realized it, it was already too late: Ella Conway was sitting on the sofa in her Missouri home last month when her cat Apollo peeked out from the edge of the banister upstairs. No sooner had the young woman panicked than the inevitable happened.

Ella Conway saw the fall of Apollo the cat with her own eyes.
Ella Conway saw the fall of Apollo the cat with her own eyes.  © Bildmontage: Instagram/Screenshots/crazybusyfurbabies

Because the moment was recorded by a surveillance camera in the house, hundreds of thousands of Instagram users have now watched it.

The clip is limited to the essentials. After a few seconds, Apollo plunges several meters into the depths. Horrified, Conway puts her hands to her face, not daring to check on the cat at first.

Apollo's impact can also be seen in the viral clip in a zoomed-in version. It is noticeable that the cat lands quite accurately on its four paws.

Nevertheless, the question remains unanswered: Did the house cat survive the fall without any injuries?

Instagram video shows the dramatic fall

The clip shows how Apollo the cat lands on all fours.
The clip shows how Apollo the cat lands on all fours.  © Bildmontage: Instagram/Screenshots/crazybusyfurbabies

"We were so worried about him. We got Apollo as an emotional support animal after our dad died and we couldn't bear that he might have been hurt. Especially because we hadn't even had him a week at the time of the video," Ella Conway explained in an interview with Newsweek this week.

Fortunately, she can now give the all-clear. Apollo was practically unharmed during the daredevil act. However, she and her sister have had this confirmed by a vet.

"[We] took him to the vet and the next day he was walking normally again! Now we have foil along the railing and he hasn't tried to jump since," said Conway.

The reactions to the clip show that she wasn't the only one who was left breathless at that moment. Some users warn that this kind of thing often results in broken bones, even in cats.

"Eight more lives," one user sums it up.