Worst dad in the world: Father receives letter from son (5) - shortly afterwards his heart melts
USA - The offspring is barely able to write his first words - and then this! Read and translated very benevolently, the message reads: "You're the worst dad in the world. I don't even like you." This "reckoning" was written by a five-year-old boy from the USA. Nevertheless, he managed to melt his father's heart just a few minutes later.

The "worst father in the world" posted a photo of the note on Reddit. Directly below it was a second message that he had received from his little one around ten minutes later.
Again read and translated very benevolently: "Sorry, sorry. I didn't mean to be mean to you."
How did this loving change of heart come about so quickly? Partly because the Reddit post received many thousands of clicks, Newsweek followed up with the man this week.
He preferred to remain anonymous to the US magazine. However, the Reddit user was prepared to tell the background story in detail.
Father very proud of his offspring

His son had asked him to read him a difficult word, he explained. "Obviously I was just supposed to say it slowly, but I read him the word he was struggling with and tried to point out that it was written over two lines - which made it hard for him to read."
His son was very annoyed that he had helped him too much and became angry with him. Shortly afterwards, he received the written message from his offspring.
"I told him that I understood that he was upset, but that I didn't approve of the hurtful words and that there were other ways to let me know how he felt."
A short time later, the little boy came back with a written apology.
This is another reason why the father is very proud of his son, in whom he already recognizes great emotional maturity.